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Showing posts from April, 2024

Important points on the site that you should always remember, and first of all about the convenience of your visitors

  Important points on the site that you should always remember, and first of all about the convenience of your visitors. Otherwise, after viewing, there is a chance that the resource will be abandoned. Statistics show well in this regard. If a guest leaves the site quickly, it means that you are not interesting to him. Or he is not satisfied with the cost of the goods, services. Or maybe the site is simply not convenient for surfing. What can interest a visitor? Of course, with interesting articles and images, but he does not always get to the blog page or gallery. Therefore, a convenient thing is a search at the top of the site, as well as various informers in the sidebar. It is also called a sidebar, and those who say that it is ugly, take a newspaper, a book, a notebook in your hands, there are always margins. And on the monitor, a convenient part for reading, which is 700-900 pixels, it is simply uncomfortable to read wider. Contacts at the top, social networks at the bottom, e...

Rules for posting contacts on the site, convenience for visitors

  Rules for posting contacts on the site, convenience for visitors Rules for posting contacts on the site, convenience for visitors. To be honest, there are no clear restrictions on this. But often when you go to some resources you have difficulty finding a button to call or write to the messenger. My vision and not only this, the user should simply click on the phone or a similar icon, and he will immediately dial the desired number on his mobile phone. Or he can send a message via email, Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp and more. Moreover, contact information can be duplicated at the bottom of the site; often there are links to social networks, absolutely true. And for shops there must be a map, unless of course you can enter it from the street. If the resource menu at the top is motionless when scrolling, it should contain contact information, a visitor in the 21st century is not ready to spend a lot of time searching. Moreover, if the site has a sidebar (column on the right or left), ...

How a website is run in the USA, a note to those who have low traffic

  How a website is run in the USA, a note to those who have low traffic I have already talked about creating a website for the USA more than once. Now I would like to talk about how, after almost two months of work, my clients overseas are getting along with their resources. I'll start with the main thing: several articles are added to  news  modules every day. Moreover, the business owner himself does this as he understood all my instructions, and he likes that he can do it himself with ease. All possible  services  are filled in , moreover, they are rewritten and supplemented from time to time. New  photos  are added  with the correct title and description. All possible social networks are maintained, the number of which is more than 10. Visitors have the opportuni  ...  Read more »

How long does it take for a website to achieve good positions in search engines?

  How long does it take for a website to achieve good positions in search engines? How long does it take for a site to achieve good search rankings? Today I’ll tell you how a resource in the USA achieved high positions in half of a year. And this shows that working on the site bears fruit every day. Of course, unique text and images matter. Well, maintaining social networks in full. Plumbing services  in the suburbs of Chicago, in addition to HVAC, which translates into heating, ventilation and air conditioning. I'll start with traffic: there are about a hundred hosts from the USA per day. Separate pages are created for service  areas , and this brings results in searches at the local level.  Every day a news article is written, moreover, the link is immediately added to the search. In each of the social networks it is the same. In additi  ...  Read more »

Why is it worth having a branded email?

  Why is it worth having a branded email? An email address on your own domain, that is, name@your_site. And now, in order. I came across confirmation from Google of my business for one company. And the solution to the issue of urgent addition to the map was email. But as usual, no one knows anything, they have a domain, but there is no website as such.  So, what I've done for my own website? I created a resource, or rather, parked a domain and connected mail. The whole procedure took about an hour. We were able to receive the code from Google via branded mail and the company was verified. By the way, they often request access because they need to declare ownership of an existing point on the map. And when it is not possible to do this via phone. Although this is also not a problem, now you can purchase the required number from the operator on the website, unless of course it is busy. In conclusion, I would like to say that some servi  ...  Read more »

Are you a business owner in the USA and you need a working website?

  Are you a business owner in the USA and you need a working website? In fact, for any part of the world, you can create a resource that will actively work, bringing a decent result. A minimum of effort is required from you, change text and images to fill the site with unique information. What would probably make your site the best and it would be shown in the first line of the search.  Read more...